LMS vs. DAP: Creating Better Employee Experiences

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What’s in it for you?

Online learning has become a staple of the modern workplace. In 2019, 70% of organizations implemented a learning management system (LMS) in their L&D strategy, and this was before COVID-19. Yet 87% of Millennials in the workforce say that their employee learning experience is boring and irrelevant to their roles. This indicates that an LMS alone is not meeting the evolving demands of a more technology-based workplace.

While an LMS is a cornerstone of modern organizations, L&D and HR teams must utilize additional L&D tools to deliver an engaging, personalized, and relevant learning experience to their workforce to provide the proper support at the right time.

In this white paper, we’ll explore the role of corporate learning management systems, the rise of digital adoption platforms, their fundamental differences, and how these two technologies work together to provide next-gen L&D experiences.

This white paper covers:

  • What is an LMS
  • What is a DAP
  • Features of Both
  • Key Differences
  • How to Use Both Together to Create Better Employee Experiences

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